Wednesday, June 19, 2013

O Lord My God, You are very great!

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!" Psalm 105:1-3

For those of you who don't know, we are putting together a Yard Sale for this coming weekend as one of our fundraisers to aid in the adoption of our son or daughter.  When we first made mention of doing this, we never in our wildest dreams would've have imagined all that would entail, but the Lord has poured forth His blessings and we are making preparations for this weekend to have an ENORMOUS yard sale.  And before we even have the sale, I wanted to "make His deeds known among the peoples, and tell of His wondrous works!"

These past several weeks, the pressure of getting this thing together has revealed much to me about my lack of faith and trust in God than I care to admit; however, it has also increased my faith and trust in God as He has demonstrated that He is not dependent on me (how's that for a humbling moment).  Through various means, this thing has come together apart from anything I could say or do.  The Lord was gracious to send lots, and lots, of people to donate stuff for the sale, and He was also kind and gracious to send people who knew what they were doing in this arena to help me put it together.  These precious people spent many many hours helping me!

I am so very humbled as I step back to look at this from a different perspective at how the Lord cares so very much about the life of this little one who will someday soon be a member of our family.  Just as God knits in the womb, He is also knitting together the way to make this adoption possible.  As I watch His mighty hand at work, I will "Glory in His name" as I seek his strength and his presence and I will "remember the wondrous works that he has done."  

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."  John 14:18 I am reminded of  His promise to me, as I pursue my promise to this little one I've never met.  We will not leave you as an orphan dear one, we WILL come to you!

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