Monday, September 30, 2013

Fundraiser Crafts...Shop AWAY!!!

In efforts to continue raising money for this adoption, I have made a few things to get people into the upcoming holiday spirits.  Fall things for those who like to warm their homes with fall colored decor and some Christmas decor as well.

I also have some more handmade pottery jewelry made by Compelled Designs (an organization that aids families trying to adopt or mission fundraising events).  They are beautiful and each one is inscribed on the back with a verse of scripture.  These would make great Christmas or birthday gifts for teachers, mothers, friends, etc.

Thanks you so much for your encouragement and support of our family, we are so humbled at all that the Lord has done thus far and all we still believe He is going to do!  God Bless!!!


I will continue to add as I finish each project.  I will mark sold as items sell. 
Thank you in advance for your contribution to our family's adoption!!!

"Welcome Fall" -SOLD!!!

"Burlap Sensations"-SOLD!!!

"Burlap and Chevron" (27x27)- $60

"Fall and Burlap"- $22

"Harvest meets Burlap"- $30

"Burlap for the Holidays"- $45

"Wooden Pumpkin Set of 3"- SOLD!!!

 "Joy Blocks Set"- $20

 "Wooden Pumpkin Set of 3"- $25

"Wooden Pumpkin Set of 4"- $28

Wooden "SNOW" Men- $28

Wooden "Snow" Men- $28

more to come as I finish each project

Compelled Designs Handmade Pottery Necklaces

$24 EACH

Our own personal stories of redemption prompted the motivation for choosing heart necklaces this time.  Apart from Jesus Christ's redeeming blood, my status would still be "lost orphan".  And since we named this blog after what He did to give us a place in His family we felt it most appropriate to sell necklaces that were a reminder of just that.

 I have 3 of these- $24 each
Verses on each (1Pet 5:7 and Eph 3:20)

I have 5 of these- $24 each
Verses on each (Jer 29:11, 1Pet 5:7, Prov 3:5-6, Ps 86:5)

I have 4 of these- $24 each
Verses on each (Ps 33:20-22, Ps 86:5, Josh 1:9)

I have 1 of these- $24
Verse on back (Ps 62:8)

I have 2 of these- $24 each
Verses on each (Prov 3:5-6 or Lam 3:22-23)

I have 1 of these- $24
Verse on back ( Prov 3:5-6)

I have one 1 of these- $24
Verse on back (Phil 4:6-7)

I have 1 of these- $24
Verse on back (Prov 3:5-6)

I have 1 of these- $24
Verse on back (Eph 3:20)

I have 1 of these- $24
Verse on back (Eph 3:18)

Thursday, September 26, 2013


ANOTHER MATCHING GRANT!!! Praise be to GOD!!! We are almost there! The giver of all good things has continued providing for every penny of our needs.  We found out yesterday that we will receive a matching grant from Lifesong Adoption Grants! They so graciously have offered us up to $2,500 in matching funds. They will match dollar for dollar up to this amount, so we are back at the drawing board to figure out just how we're going to do this; however, there is no doubt anywhere in my mind that God will show us an put the exclamation point at the end once He does.  This last little bit will put us on the playing field, and we could not be more excited and anxious!

We are praying daily for our little one to be and the mother that will or has given birth to them.  We are waiting to see what exactly God has in store for us and praying that He would prepare us for whatever it is.  We know not all adoption stories have beautiful tales that come with them, and we are praying that God would use our family for His glory and our good!  Can't wait to update you on what He is getting ready to do!

Waiting expectantly!

I would venture to say, that they are just about as excited as we are!  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hand in Hand Matching Grant!!! Thank you Lord!!!

We got wonderful news Tuesday afternoon that we received a matching grant from Hand in Hand adoption grants for almost the exact amount that our church raised this past Sunday night!!! So basically God took what the church faithfully gave and DOUBLED it!!! All praise and glory go to Him!  He is blowing us out of the water on this thing and we are trusting Him to continue!  We are so very close and without an inkling of doubt, we KNOW He will provide the rest.

And He said to them, "Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch." So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.   John 21:6

Monday, September 16, 2013

Pancakes and God's Glory

"So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and there were added that day about three thousand souls.  And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles.  And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.  And day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people.  And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved."
                                                                                                                                         Acts 2:41-47

"The people were devoted to the teaching of the Apostles" and were possessed by a great sense of awe over God's glory.

 "The gospel is that Jesus “became poor for our sake so that through his poverty we might become rich” (2 Cor 8:9). When a church gets this, they become extravagantly generous toward others. The first Christians didn’t just give out of their excess. They voluntarily sold their stuff so that their were no needs among them. 
Eventually this sort of gospel generosity overflowed into the streets, but it started in the church. As the apostle Paul says in Galatians, “Let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10). Ultimately, the love that Christians show to one another is a profound statement to an unbelieving world. It is by our love for one another, Jesus said, that the world will know that we are His disciples (John 13:35; cf. 1 Peter 4:9). As Francis Schaeffer said, “the final apologetic that Jesus gives is the observable love of true Christians for true Christians.”                                                                                                                                                                                          J.D. Greear
We had a Pancake Fundraiser supper last night at our church, and this passage in Acts immediately came to mind as we set up, prepared, cooked, and received generous blessings!  Our church family is such an incredible part of our lives and words absolutely can not convey our hearts gratitude and thankfulness for the people who pour so much of themselves into others, they truly reflect Christ!  
The calling God placed on our family to adopt was and still is an overwhelming endeavor, however, He has not left us to fend for ourselves.  He has provided every avenue necessary and is continuing to do so.  As I reflect on this passage in Acts, I am realizing more and more that things He calls us to have nothing to do with us, but EVERYTHING to do with Him, His Glory, His Cause, and His Fame!  The adoption of orphans is a demonstration of what He did for those of us who call Him Father, the provisions He makes come from those He calls children and the point of it all is that He is magnified, glorified and praised!
As believers in Christ we become partners with Jesus Christ and all other believers, it is our spiritual duty to encourage one another to righteousness and obedience and as we do that, I can't help but think, those who don't know Him will be drawn to Him as they witness something far contrary to what the world teaches, "to each his own"  and leaves you to fight for yourself.
To my church family, thank you for demonstrating Christ to our family, to our child to be, and to a watching world!  To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done!

Who knew what all the Lord would do through pancakes and sausage!
 What a beautiful sight to see "adopted"t-shirts across the stage!

The youth flawlessly served pancakes to everyone!

Precious friends willingly served as well.

This could not have happened without a team effort!

Sweet ladies cooking the pancakes.

Master of the art of pancake making!

More sweet youth refilling pancake trays.

Our hearts where so overwhelmed with thankfulness!

Sweet friends that made it to the fundraiser to show their support and encouragement!

Serving sausage...say cheese!

Capture of our amazing church body!

Setting an awesome example for those he leads.

My awesome husband conveying his heart for adoption!

The youth finally got to take a rest and enjoy some pancakes.

More captures of the night.

Thankful for all this body of believers stand for!

So encouraged by 

 I love how many "adopted" shirts you can see in this picture!

Our Shepherd who leads us in the Truth of God's Word! So thankful for his leadership and his precious wife who serves tirelessly beside him.

Love this picture of Madie and my dad.

Standing firm for the Sanctity of Human Life.  


Thankful for his leadership!

Holding one family's blessing that stands strong for the value of human life!

The definition of "serve" is right beside her's and her husband's names :) 

The whole group pitched in for clean about an awesome body of believers!

Sweet ladies who helped me decorate!

Being a part of the body of Christ, far surpasses anything this world has to offer!  We love and appreciate our church family and your love for the Lord; our family is forever blessed because we've learned from, grown with, and served alongside you.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!