Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sisters and Roomies

Transitions have been in order in our house to make room for our expectant child and sibling.  Our two girlies are now and have been for a week ROOMIES!

The Lord continues to pour out His provisional blessings for us as we continue on this path to adopt.  A precious lady who is a very special part of our lives, graciously blessed us with two twin beds that she no longer needed; so our two girls moved in together this past weekend.

Let me just say, I was a little anxious over this move and very apprehensive as to how well this was going to work out; however, my two littles pleasantly surprised me with their abilities to easily adapt.  They are currently (and I stress, "currently") loving being roommates.

I look forward to the stories we'll have to tell due to this recent change, like the first night when Hannah kept whispering to Madie and Madie whispered back telling her to "SHHH, I am trrrrrying to obey Moooommy and Daaaaaddy!"  Stephen and I chuckled for a while at their whisper convos, but they did eventually fall asleep.

I LOVE how the room turned out, I just have a few finishing touches to add. 

The newest addition to the room...She was SOOOOO proud and excited to move in with Madie!

More stories to come soon I'm sure...

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