Thursday, May 9, 2013

Never called, "Mommy"

Mother's Day for so many is not a day they care to acknowledge for various reasons, and one of those reasons may be because although they carried a child for nine tough months, and then gave birth to the child, that child has never called them "Mommy."  The reason for this is because their child calls someone else, "Mommy."  The child they carried for so long is a member of someone else's family through adoption.

As we have entered into the world of adoption, my views have been reshaped and redefined as I have begun to understand some of the hardships and situations that so many women face.  I used to have a very hard hearted and judgmental attitude towards some of these things and people, but now my outlook is a bit different.

Life does not always go as smooth for some as it does for others, and for many different reasons, people's lives are shaped and formed differently.  We are not all born into families that surround us with the Word of God, or taken to church from an early age, or tucked in bed at night and prayed with.  Some grow up having to figure out life for themselves and sometimes learning the hard ways that certain choices may not have been the best ones.  That is why the hope of the Gospel should compel us to find these people and lovingly offer them a hand.

My heart has been fixated this week on birth mothers that choose life for their child or children but never get to see the outcome of the precious life brought forth because they were not the ones who raised the child.  My heart aches for the birth mothers who through tears signed relinquishment papers to give over their parental rights to someone they felt could give their child a better life then they could.

Some would look at these women with much disdain and judgement and if I'm being honest, I could say I once was one of those people.  But now I look at these women as heros in a sense.  They walked the tough road of pregnancy, endured sleepless nights of discomfort, awkwardness, hunger and weight gain, and then hard labor that would bring forth the miracle of life that they would say goodbye to within hours or even minutes after the child makes his or her entry into the world.  What a sacrifice!  Especially in a world that offers so many "convenient"ways to "dispose" of this child.  These women have made the selfless decision to give life not only to the child, but to the families that want these children and value their lives!

Happy Mother's Day to the precious women who chose life for your child or children even though they don't call you mom.  You are still as much a mother as any of the rest of us in that you sacrificed yourself for the life of your child!  

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