Wednesday November 20th, we departed for Dothan Regional Airport before the sun ever broke daylight. We ran like the wind to catch our connecting flight in Atlanta to Salt Lake City Utah, and landed there to the beautiful site of snow capped mountains. And as if what the Lord had already carved out before us was not incredible enough, the sweet little lady sitting next to me on the plane was a very recent grieving widow. Through the story of our adoption, we were able to share THE Gospel with this dear lady and also able to help her off the plane; she turned around and kissed me on the cheek with tears in her eyes and bid us farewell as we parted ways. It wasn't until standing in line for our rental car that it occurred to me..."Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." God started us on a journey where He gave us the opportunity to minister to those He deeply cares for from start to finish.
After meeting and chatting with Troy, Lori, Garrett, and Matthew for a while it was time for us to head out to meet the birth family and case workers for supper at the Cheesecake Factory, funny thing...we had NO appetite! We were so nervous, full of anticipation and emotions, so we did all we knew to do and that was sit in the car and pray for God's peace, wisdom, grace, comfort, and presence. We asked Him to go before us and to lead and guide every word spoken from our lips. He was so faithful!
Supper went amazingly well and we ended the night with hugs, excitement and anticipation for the birth of our precious daughter! The whole purpose of the journey we set out on at the beginning of the year was about to come to its climax! OH MY!!!
I could barely sleep! I awoke so many times and looked at the clock, prayed for this precious lady who was fixing to sacrifice much for the sake of this darling little life within her womb, and prayed that God would grant us the grace and compassion to love on this family and demonstrate the Gospel of Christ at every single turn.
Thursday November 21st, we didn't get up in a rush or anything because Jen had told us the night before that we'd probably head to the hospital around 11ish after the epidural had time to take affect and her water had been broken. We were looking out the window admiring the snow when I got a phone call about 8:15 from Jen trying to explain to me the events that unfolded so quickly, "She got her epidural...she was at at 5, they broke her water, I got a text saying she was at a 9...then before I could message you, I got a text saying SHE'S HERE! Christy, get ready and meet me at the hospital in thirty minutes, she's here!" I couldn't even talk straight to tell Stephen, luckily he got the overall message and jumped in the shower as I finished getting dressed in super speed mode!
We arrived at Jordan Valley Medical Center at the same time as Jen. With every step closer to the door, the butterflies in my stomach grew larger and larger. When we got to the door to go in, I felt almost as though I couldn't breath. How was I supposed to react? What would I say? What was the appropriate response in front of the birth family? My mind was racing! Lord, go before us! And He we entered the room, the birth father immediately brought her to us with great excitement and handed her straight to Stephen. I looked over at baby girl's birth mother and embraced her in a huge hug. The minutes were sweet and our first look at our girl was AMAZING! She was beautiful! To say our hearts were full would be a dramatic understatement. Thank you Lord for this life you have fashioned, formed and preserved and are now entrusting to us kept ringing in my heart and mind as we sat in the room and held and stared at her.
We were able to stay in the nursery for most of the day with her (hospital was under construction, so they were sweet to provide a little unused area of the nursery for us to stay with her). What a blessed day it was! Our little miracle girl was now in our arms and all we could do was weep and smile. We were so humbled that He chose us for her!
We were unable to stay in the hospital that night because of the construction so we stayed as late as possible with promises and kisses to return for her the next day! The verse went through my mind where God promises not to leave us as orphans! And that was for sure our promise to her!
Just as we are born into sin, we are helpless and can do nothing to earn our salvation. God graciously made a way...He made a way that cost Him greatly...His only SON! And by no merit of our own, we were grafted in to His family and not only made sons and daughters, but HEIRS WITH CHRIST!
May His name be high and lifted up! He adopted us into His family so that we could spend eternity with Him. Praise be to HIS GREAT AND MIGHTY NAME!
Shortly after all the signing of the papers we got word that the birth family was going to catch a flight home that afternoon; so we of course knew that meant it was time to say goodbye. My heart was overwhelmed with emotions as I thought of all I wanted to say, do, and remember about her birth family. I wanted to capture every word, thought, and picture possible in order to be able to accurately convey one day just how much they really loved her to her. Those last few minutes we had with them will forever be etched in my memory. I sat down on the bed next to her birth mother (as I was feeding her a bottle) as we both stared at her. I looked over at her with tears in her eyes and handed her to her birth mother for the last time. As she held her I thanked God for this woman, who chose life, she truly made a huge sacrifice and I will forever love her and be grateful for her, because she gave us our daughter! Stephen had the opportunity to share The Gospel before we departed which I will forever be grateful for. As we hugged, I told her how much I loved her and thank you for choosing life and choosing us to parent her child. She looked at us and said, "I know I made the right choice." I WILL NEVER FORGET THOSE WORDS!!!
The emotions that drained us from the earlier events in the day were quickly replaced that afternoon when we received word that we were being discharged from the hospital a day early and we could take our daughter LEAH JOY JALINA WILLIAMS to the place we were staying to wait for clearance from ICPC.
We were welcomed home by the Bassham's with excitement and were so thankful to have new friends to bring Leah home to as opposed to a lonely and empty hotel room. They became family to us as we awaited clearance to go home. Garrett their oldest, loved Leah from the moment he laid eyes on her. He was so gentle and caring and stopped at nothing to make sure she had everything she could possibly need.
We took it easy on Saturday as we settled in with our sweet little newbie. Stephen and Garrett made a run to the store for a few baby essentials, and we just hung out with our new family :).
Sunday, Stephen decided to go to church with Troy, Lori, Garrett, and Matthew and Leah and I stayed home. While everyone was away, I took advantage of the gorgeous window in the house to take a few snapshots of baby girl so we'd have some "pretty pictures."
While we were alone in the quietness of the house, my heart longed and ached for home. I knew our church family was gathering together to give thanks as the body of Christ, I knew they would be praying over our dear sweet friends who's baby girl is having a major surgery soon, and I knew my two big girls were there without us (even though fabulously being cared for). I cried like a baby all day in thanksgiving and homesickness. I really was quite pitiful :).
As we stared down the nose of the next two weeks knowing it was going to be tough being away from family and home, we clung to each other and bonded with our precious new blessing. We were prepared to wait although our desires were to go home.
Monday we heard nothing...I was a bit crushed at the end of the day just hoping for some sort of word that all of our paperwork had made it to its very important destination. So Tuesday I texted our case worker to see if she knew if our paperwork had gotten into the hands of those who held our fate. She called me a few minutes later to inform me that not only would we need to clear the states of Utah and Alabama, but Ohio as well (since that is where the birth family was from). Imagine our disappointment when we realized that we now needed to clear not two states, but THREE! Boo...
However, about an hour later I received a phone call from Jen saying we had ALREADY cleared Utah AND Ohio!!! WHAAAAAT! So that left the final paperwork in the hands of Alabama (who does not have a good reputation in their quick processing skills). We were blown away at how quickly the first two states had processed our paperwork but still prepared to have to wait. Although I began getting my hopes up and praying that the Lord would move the rest of the paperwork through quickly.
Wednesday morning (the day before Thanksgiving) Stephen and I were out galavanting and trying to pass the time when I received a call from our social worker Dana. At first it seemed as though she was alerting me of paperwork that had not been received which would of course prolong the paperwork process; until I heard her say the phrase, "but she's not going to hold up your paperwork because of this..." to which I responded, "wait a minute Dana, are you saying we could possibly be cleared TODAY?" She informed me that as long as the people that were crucial to finishing up the final touches on our paperwork were in the office, that was what they were working toward. I about fell on the floor with excitement!!! Stephen tried to remain calm, but I...well...I didn't.
About an hour and half later, all the final touches were done and we were given CLEARANCE TO GO HOME! Stephen immediately got on the phone with Delta and secured our flights home. We were beyond ecstatic. We had done what we came to Utah to do, and now it was time to take Leah HOME! Joy filled our hearts as we called family to let them know to set the Thanksgiving table for TWO more!!!
Thursday morning, we awoke with much excitement and started our journey home. Leah was a champ through all of our flights and with each step closer to home our hearts began to beat faster and faster; but nothing could top the feeling of the wheels touching down in Dothan and seeing our family standing and waving at the fence as we walked off the plane!!! I whispered into Leah's ear, "you're home sweet girl, let's go meet your family."
To say that our Thanksgiving was special would be a terrible understatement. As we prayed over the food and the miracle of our early return, tears filled our eyes and joy overwhelmed our hearts. We were now giving thanks for the life that God not only knit together in another woman's womb, preserved, delivered, AND added to and blessed our family with!
Stephen and I now have a testimony of new faith. Not just renewed faith, but new faith. God showed us just how precious the orphan is to Him by the way HE went before us and paved the path so clearly for us to walk. He made provisions that if I told you, you'd probably want proof of. He protected us in situations that could have ended very badly. He gave us words to say when we had none. And He demonstrated Himself to people using adoption as a picture of the Gospel. We had opportunity after opportunity to proclaim the Gospel and even as I sit here and type this I think, now wonder He calls us to this task. It is a clear demonstration of HIS LOVE FOR US! He is a Father to the fatherless and our daughter will hopefully testify to this Truth one day!
May we be motivated to move in the directions He leads and commands; and to Him be all the glory, and honor, and praise.
Dothan Regional Airport
On the plane waiting for departure
Snow capped mountains out the window of SLC airport
Landed in SLC and headed to get the rental car
Gorgeous mountain view all the way around us
We met up with our fabulous case worker, Jen and discussed all the details of what would unfold within the next twenty four to seventy two hours over lunch. We had a few spare hours before meeting the birth family of our daughter for dinner, so we ran a few errands and met the amazing family who housed, hosted, befriended and befamilied us as complete strangers who had talked over the phone once or twice, emailed a couple of times, and a few facebook messages. They welcomed us with open arms into their home and made us feel so comfortable and at home. Their two sweet boys also made us feel all the more at home as we were already missing Madie and Hannah.
After meeting and chatting with Troy, Lori, Garrett, and Matthew for a while it was time for us to head out to meet the birth family and case workers for supper at the Cheesecake Factory, funny thing...we had NO appetite! We were so nervous, full of anticipation and emotions, so we did all we knew to do and that was sit in the car and pray for God's peace, wisdom, grace, comfort, and presence. We asked Him to go before us and to lead and guide every word spoken from our lips. He was so faithful!
Supper went amazingly well and we ended the night with hugs, excitement and anticipation for the birth of our precious daughter! The whole purpose of the journey we set out on at the beginning of the year was about to come to its climax! OH MY!!!
I could barely sleep! I awoke so many times and looked at the clock, prayed for this precious lady who was fixing to sacrifice much for the sake of this darling little life within her womb, and prayed that God would grant us the grace and compassion to love on this family and demonstrate the Gospel of Christ at every single turn.
Thursday November 21st, we didn't get up in a rush or anything because Jen had told us the night before that we'd probably head to the hospital around 11ish after the epidural had time to take affect and her water had been broken. We were looking out the window admiring the snow when I got a phone call about 8:15 from Jen trying to explain to me the events that unfolded so quickly, "She got her epidural...she was at at 5, they broke her water, I got a text saying she was at a 9...then before I could message you, I got a text saying SHE'S HERE! Christy, get ready and meet me at the hospital in thirty minutes, she's here!" I couldn't even talk straight to tell Stephen, luckily he got the overall message and jumped in the shower as I finished getting dressed in super speed mode!
We arrived at Jordan Valley Medical Center at the same time as Jen. With every step closer to the door, the butterflies in my stomach grew larger and larger. When we got to the door to go in, I felt almost as though I couldn't breath. How was I supposed to react? What would I say? What was the appropriate response in front of the birth family? My mind was racing! Lord, go before us! And He we entered the room, the birth father immediately brought her to us with great excitement and handed her straight to Stephen. I looked over at baby girl's birth mother and embraced her in a huge hug. The minutes were sweet and our first look at our girl was AMAZING! She was beautiful! To say our hearts were full would be a dramatic understatement. Thank you Lord for this life you have fashioned, formed and preserved and are now entrusting to us kept ringing in my heart and mind as we sat in the room and held and stared at her.
Born at 8:06 November 21, 2013
6lbs 1oz 17 1/2 in.
Love at first sight!
Already in love with her!
His heart has been won once again!
Proud parents!!!
Our Creator creates PERFECTION
Sweet little lips and nose
She didn't do a thing to earn our love...Just like us and our Father!
We then got to accompany the nurses to the nursery and watch them gather all of her vitals, newborn info, and give her her very first bath (which was my very first go round at being a witness to). Her sweet little squeely cry just brought more and more gratefulness to our hearts as we felt we were witnesses to God's grace on her little life.
Love this picture!
Madie always notes the teddy stickers on the tummies of her sisters :)
After their baths, he always gives them their first hair brushing :). So sweet!
Feeding her for the first time!
We were unable to stay in the hospital that night because of the construction so we stayed as late as possible with promises and kisses to return for her the next day! The verse went through my mind where God promises not to leave us as orphans! And that was for sure our promise to her!
Daddy's girl #3
Momma's love #3
Our humble abode for our time at the hospital
Just another picture of our little "area"
Sweet expressions
Peaceful slumber
Friday November 22nd, We did not wake with excited anticipation, but with very heavy hearts knowing that in order for her to be ours, the one who carried her for nine months was going to have to sign away her right to motherhood for this little angel. As much as I tried, I couldn't get happy and excited. I prayed all morning that The Lord would be merciful as these details would unfold. At 8:45 Jen showed up and asked us to meet her in the waiting room so we could go over the paperwork we would sign as the birth mother was being presented with her paperwork just a few hundred feet from us in her hospital room. I can't even put into words the mixed emotions I felt. When Jen received the text that the papers had been signed, I could no longer see to read the papers in my hand for the tears that filled my eyes and the sorrow that filled my heart for this woman. My heart was broken for her that she even had to make this decision and I could do nothing but weep for her. But minutes later my mourning for her was turned to joy as I realized that The FATHER had chosen Stephen and I to be her mommy and daddy. She was now a WILLIAMS!
Just as we are born into sin, we are helpless and can do nothing to earn our salvation. God graciously made a way...He made a way that cost Him greatly...His only SON! And by no merit of our own, we were grafted in to His family and not only made sons and daughters, but HEIRS WITH CHRIST!
May His name be high and lifted up! He adopted us into His family so that we could spend eternity with Him. Praise be to HIS GREAT AND MIGHTY NAME!
Shortly after all the signing of the papers we got word that the birth family was going to catch a flight home that afternoon; so we of course knew that meant it was time to say goodbye. My heart was overwhelmed with emotions as I thought of all I wanted to say, do, and remember about her birth family. I wanted to capture every word, thought, and picture possible in order to be able to accurately convey one day just how much they really loved her to her. Those last few minutes we had with them will forever be etched in my memory. I sat down on the bed next to her birth mother (as I was feeding her a bottle) as we both stared at her. I looked over at her with tears in her eyes and handed her to her birth mother for the last time. As she held her I thanked God for this woman, who chose life, she truly made a huge sacrifice and I will forever love her and be grateful for her, because she gave us our daughter! Stephen had the opportunity to share The Gospel before we departed which I will forever be grateful for. As we hugged, I told her how much I loved her and thank you for choosing life and choosing us to parent her child. She looked at us and said, "I know I made the right choice." I WILL NEVER FORGET THOSE WORDS!!!
Us with Jen our case worker after the papers were signed.
The emotions that drained us from the earlier events in the day were quickly replaced that afternoon when we received word that we were being discharged from the hospital a day early and we could take our daughter LEAH JOY JALINA WILLIAMS to the place we were staying to wait for clearance from ICPC.
Laurie, the fabulous nurse who took good care of our girl and was so sweet to us!
In a borrowed car seat...
We didn't waste any time when they gave us the green light!
On our way out the door!
Loaded and headed for the house!
We were welcomed home by the Bassham's with excitement and were so thankful to have new friends to bring Leah home to as opposed to a lonely and empty hotel room. They became family to us as we awaited clearance to go home. Garrett their oldest, loved Leah from the moment he laid eyes on her. He was so gentle and caring and stopped at nothing to make sure she had everything she could possibly need.
He just loved her!
Sunday, Stephen decided to go to church with Troy, Lori, Garrett, and Matthew and Leah and I stayed home. While everyone was away, I took advantage of the gorgeous window in the house to take a few snapshots of baby girl so we'd have some "pretty pictures."
While we were alone in the quietness of the house, my heart longed and ached for home. I knew our church family was gathering together to give thanks as the body of Christ, I knew they would be praying over our dear sweet friends who's baby girl is having a major surgery soon, and I knew my two big girls were there without us (even though fabulously being cared for). I cried like a baby all day in thanksgiving and homesickness. I really was quite pitiful :).
Our gorgeous beauty!!!
Fearfully and wonderfully made!!!
As we stared down the nose of the next two weeks knowing it was going to be tough being away from family and home, we clung to each other and bonded with our precious new blessing. We were prepared to wait although our desires were to go home.
Monday we heard nothing...I was a bit crushed at the end of the day just hoping for some sort of word that all of our paperwork had made it to its very important destination. So Tuesday I texted our case worker to see if she knew if our paperwork had gotten into the hands of those who held our fate. She called me a few minutes later to inform me that not only would we need to clear the states of Utah and Alabama, but Ohio as well (since that is where the birth family was from). Imagine our disappointment when we realized that we now needed to clear not two states, but THREE! Boo...
However, about an hour later I received a phone call from Jen saying we had ALREADY cleared Utah AND Ohio!!! WHAAAAAT! So that left the final paperwork in the hands of Alabama (who does not have a good reputation in their quick processing skills). We were blown away at how quickly the first two states had processed our paperwork but still prepared to have to wait. Although I began getting my hopes up and praying that the Lord would move the rest of the paperwork through quickly.
Wednesday morning (the day before Thanksgiving) Stephen and I were out galavanting and trying to pass the time when I received a call from our social worker Dana. At first it seemed as though she was alerting me of paperwork that had not been received which would of course prolong the paperwork process; until I heard her say the phrase, "but she's not going to hold up your paperwork because of this..." to which I responded, "wait a minute Dana, are you saying we could possibly be cleared TODAY?" She informed me that as long as the people that were crucial to finishing up the final touches on our paperwork were in the office, that was what they were working toward. I about fell on the floor with excitement!!! Stephen tried to remain calm, but I...well...I didn't.
About an hour and half later, all the final touches were done and we were given CLEARANCE TO GO HOME! Stephen immediately got on the phone with Delta and secured our flights home. We were beyond ecstatic. We had done what we came to Utah to do, and now it was time to take Leah HOME! Joy filled our hearts as we called family to let them know to set the Thanksgiving table for TWO more!!!
Thursday morning, we awoke with much excitement and started our journey home. Leah was a champ through all of our flights and with each step closer to home our hearts began to beat faster and faster; but nothing could top the feeling of the wheels touching down in Dothan and seeing our family standing and waving at the fence as we walked off the plane!!! I whispered into Leah's ear, "you're home sweet girl, let's go meet your family."
This picture doesn't look like much, but it is us on our way to SLC airport and it was a beautiful site because it meant we were going HOME!
Waiting to board the airplane in SLC with an extra Williams!
Lots of people asked us how she did on the airplane...this picture says it all.
And this one too.
Fixing to get off the airplane in DOTHAN!!!
I think they were excited to see us too!
Running to get inside!
Words will never tell this sweet reunion!
What a sweet day!!!
Dear friend!
Look at those two expressions!
Our little holds our littlest.
She said, "this is how you hug somebody when you missed them!"
Lord, your works are just amazing and we will testify of your goodness til the end of time!
To say that our Thanksgiving was special would be a terrible understatement. As we prayed over the food and the miracle of our early return, tears filled our eyes and joy overwhelmed our hearts. We were now giving thanks for the life that God not only knit together in another woman's womb, preserved, delivered, AND added to and blessed our family with!
Stephen and I now have a testimony of new faith. Not just renewed faith, but new faith. God showed us just how precious the orphan is to Him by the way HE went before us and paved the path so clearly for us to walk. He made provisions that if I told you, you'd probably want proof of. He protected us in situations that could have ended very badly. He gave us words to say when we had none. And He demonstrated Himself to people using adoption as a picture of the Gospel. We had opportunity after opportunity to proclaim the Gospel and even as I sit here and type this I think, now wonder He calls us to this task. It is a clear demonstration of HIS LOVE FOR US! He is a Father to the fatherless and our daughter will hopefully testify to this Truth one day!
May we be motivated to move in the directions He leads and commands; and to Him be all the glory, and honor, and praise.